ripple - a sample-based synthesizer
ep-mk2 - an e-piano emulation
Originally written by Mike Moreno, this physical modelling based instrument
was ported to netpd. Check ep-mk2.
Discourse for the community
Please check, the place for the netpd community
to get help and discuss matters.
netpd is a CRNMME (Collaborative Realtime Networked Music Making Environment)
built in Pure Data. It allows many users to have a realtime
jam sessions with each other, connected over the internet.
Users might contribute their own netpd-ized patches a.k.a. instruments
or use pre-existing ones. The set of instruments, as well as the state of
each instrument is synchronized between clients in order to provide identical
experience for every connected user.
netpd was designed with music in mind, but it might serve well also
other purposes, where realtime state synchronization is a requirement.