while playing with netpd it could happen, that some error messages in the pd-window appear. some of them are expected, others are not and should be reported to the author of the patch, that caused the error, or to the netpd-maintainer.
expexted errors:
error: netpd-settings.txt: can t open
error: netpd-settings.txt: read failed
chat checks the existence of the file netpd-settings.txt. since there is no proper mechanism in pd to check the existence of a file, chat just tries to read it, which causes this error, if the file is not existent. this error appears only when launching chat the first time. chat will automatically create this file then.
error: patches/xxx.pd: cant open
error: patches/xxx.pd: read failed
if a remote clients opens a patch, creator checks first, if the patch is already saved locally. since there is no meachnism in pd to test the existence of a file, creator tries to read it anyway. if the patch is not existent locally, this error appears. this error appears only, when a certain patch is downloaded the first time.error: abs/xxx.pd: cant open
error: abs/xxx.pd: read failed
same reason as above, but instead of a patch an abstraction is not existent. this error appears only, when a certain abstraction is downloaded the first time.error: throw~ 1f.aux-l: no matching catch
error: throw~ 1f.aux-r: no matching catch
this error can happen, when joining a session, that uses fx and mx. because synthesizers and and mx are not loaded simultaneously, there is a small time, where only one or the other is loaded and therefor misses the matching [catch~].
most wanted errors:
hp1~ 9000 5
... couldnt create
always mind this error in puredata. it usually appears on loadbang. mostlly an issue with -path netpd/abs or external. in pd-netpd-osx you have to add the iemabs path yourself.
comment by roman: who said so? it is supposed to work as well on osx. please report this kind of things to me.
**enrique: i said so. didn't discuss this on the list and miller answered... it was about the startlocation of -path in declare. well let's talk about it online once.. i don't have much time atm.
connecting to port 3025
connecting stream socket: Connection refused (61)
connecting to port 3025
recv: Connection reset by peer (54)
server.pd is down!
someone has to restart the netpd-server. irc #dataflow at freenode is a good place to ask.
please help me complete this list..... let's do also a list with unexpected errors, that may appear.