
about creator

creator does all the patch handling in netpd. whenever you want to use a patch within the netpd-framework, you load it with creator. in order to load a patch, click the netload patch-button and choose a file with the browser. you can choose any file with the ending .pd, even if it is not in the netpd/patches folder. if you choose a file from a different location, creator will "download" it to itself and saves it in the netpd/patches directory. all currently loaded patches are displayed in a list. the number of patches that can be loaded is not limited.

how it works

creator works somehow like a peer-to-peer a filesharing tool. whenever a patch is loaded, the patch gets distributed to all connected clients. if a ce rtain client has an older version of the same patch, it will be overwritten by the new version. if not, the remote creator will just load the patch. also has creator the capability to resolve abstraction dependencies. this works even recursively; this means, creator will also synchronize abstraction, that are used by other abstractions. the idea behind is to make sure that all connected clients have the same set of patches open at any time.



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